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Kinesiology is a Holistic approach that manages stress in the body. Explore the stress levels of the Enteric System. This might be in the Neorologal pathways, or imbalances in your Minerals, Elements, or Vitamins intake. There might be an imbalance in your Hormones, Enzymes, your Diet. Th could be stress around your diet Food groups, Toxins, and of course the Bacteria in your gut system. All these, including your Energy system, Chakras, Aura, Nadi and more, play a role in creating harm
Ask yourself.....
●are you healthy?
●are you happy?
●do you love what you do?
●are you in a loving family?
●are you in a loving relationship?
●where do you come from?
●what is your connection to the Divine?
●why are you here?
●what is your purpose here on earth?
In order to live in harmony in this world, with peace, joy, and abundance, we need to find ourselves first. See the change that you wish to see in the world by changing yourself first
Are you trying to fall pregnant?
Are you and your partner at your best health and wellbeing?
Are you ready to start a family?
Is there some healing you need to do first?
Is your and your partners' Soul, ready to bring another Soul into this world?
Before you start a family, it would be amazing if you and your partner can look at any blocks you might have preventing this from happening, and allowing you to have an amazing experience.
Our bodies are made up of electric currents running through us.
These meridians are connected to an organ. Meridians are also connected to other Meridians on a deeper level. The lung Meridian is connected to the lungs and refers to issues of the lungs. Smokers usually have issues with sadness or grief. Other emotions of the lungs are frustration, low self-esteem, putting yourself last, inability to say no, or to express yourself with your truth. relaxation meditation
In these challenging times, we need to be mindful, and find compassion, and not buy into the Agenda.
Not to be affected by the narrative, or the rage and fear in the world.
How do we do that?
Connect with your body, and focus on how you feel about it.
When you look at yourself, what emotion comes up?
What programming has made you the way you are?
What numbing behaviors do you chose, so that you DO NOT FEEL?
Hypnotherapy is a powerful Natural modality to help you Change some of those unwanted habits of yours.
It is a process of deep relaxation, visualisation, and connecting to your unconscious mind, that deep programmed part of your mind that runs unconsciously with old beliefs, programs and limiting beliefs. guided meditation
Move out of your comfort zone dear ones, and focus on your dreams May 2023 and all that it brings help you transform into a powerful Human. Remember you are a Spiritual being having a human experience.
When do you know its time to make a change in your life? Are you paying attention to the signs? Are you struggling with relationships? Are you unhappy at work? Do you have issues with money? Are you struggling with an addiction? When you are in your comfort zone, change does not happen. You stay stuck in that negative state.
You have a choice.
How can Hypnotherapy help you....